How to meet the needs of victims and survivors across England and Wales
Our data visualisation tool can be accessed by clicking on the drop-down options in the main menu bar ‘Mapping’ or clicking on the links below. This provides access to more detailed data, including down to police force area. Interact with tables and graphs using filters, hovering over data points and selecting items of interest from the legend.
First steps – which professionals victims and survivors told about domestic abuse first, and where they first heard about the support available
Accessing help – what help victims and survivors wanted, and what they were able to get
Outcomes – whether victims and survivors felt safer or more in control of their lives, depending on whether they had accessed help or not.
Translated versions of the summary report:
Please note that the Summary Report is now available in:
Chinese (simplified).
A BSL version will be added to our website as soon as possible. If you require our report in another language, please contact us.