Commissioner responds to new measures to temporarily delay some imprisonments

In response to the ongoing prison overcrowding crisis, magistrates were yesterday requested to temporarily delay the imprisonment of some individuals.

This move is intended to alleviate pressure ahead of the upcoming ‘SDS40’ early release program which aims to free up prison spaces.

The SDS40 scheme allows some prisoners to be released after serving 40% of their sentence (as opposed to the previous 50%) and will take effect on September 10th.

Responding to the announcement, the Domestic Abuse Commissioner, Nicole Jacobs, says, “I am already concerned about the impact of the early release scheme on victims of domestic abuse. This new measure, albeit temporary, adds to my fears for their safety.

“We should never have been in this situation. But it is paramount that victims of domestic abuse don’t pay the price for the prison overcrowding crisis.

“Victims of domestic abuse – and the specialist services who support them – must be kept informed about their perpetrators’ court dates.

“The Government must also closely monitor sentencing for perpetrators of domestic abuse to ensure overly lenient sentences aren’t issued as a result of pressure on prison places, and if they are, to take swift action.”