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Commissioner says domestic abuse victims must be kept safe amidst response to prison overcrowding crisis

Today the new Government has announced plans to temporarily reduce the point at which prisoners are automatically released from 50% to 40% of their sentence, in response to the overcrowding crisis. This will exclude anyone convicted for a sexual offence, stalking, controlling and coercive behaviour, non-fatal strangulation, breaches of restraining or non-molestation orders, or who …

Commissioner says domestic abuse victims must be kept safe amidst response to prison overcrowding crisis Read More »

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Commissioner warns Prime Minister: Victims must not suffer consequences of prison crisis

Today the Domestic Abuse Commissioner, Nicole Jacobs has written to the Prime Minister calling for urgent action to address the prison capacity crisis. The letter urges Government to act now or risk failing in its ambitious pledge to halve violence against women and girls over a decade. This warning follows new analysis from the Commissioner, …

Commissioner warns Prime Minister: Victims must not suffer consequences of prison crisis Read More »

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Domestic Abuse Commissioner sets out her priorities for a new Government

Today the Domestic Abuse Commissioner has set out her priorities for a new Government, including recommendations across: This follows a piece in The Sun today where the Commissioner discussed the bold, ambitious manifesto commitments needed to tackle the scourge of domestic abuse

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I am highly concerned for victims’ safety, says Commissioner, amid reports that police are being asked to consider making fewer arrests

Responding to reports that the NPCC has sent a letter to police chiefs asking them to consider “pausing” “non-priority arrests”, the Domestic Abuse Commissioner, Nicole Jacobs, says: “Reports that police chiefs are being asked by the National Police Chiefs Council to consider arresting fewer people are sobering. As violence against women and girls is now …

I am highly concerned for victims’ safety, says Commissioner, amid reports that police are being asked to consider making fewer arrests Read More »

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I fear for the safety of domestic abuse victims with the early release scheme, says Commissioner

A report published today by HM Inspectorate of Prisons into HMP Lewes found that the implementation of the government’s early release scheme was “undermining good, safe release planning and risk management”, including: Responding to the report, the Domestic Abuse Commissioner, Nicole Jacobs, says: “When measures for potentially dangerous offenders are rushed out without proper planning, …

I fear for the safety of domestic abuse victims with the early release scheme, says Commissioner Read More »

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Domestic abuse victims should not pay the price of prison overcrowding

In a debate in the House of Commons today, Minister Edward Argar confirmed that the Early Release Scheme has been expanded again, allowing prisoners to be released up to 70 days before the end of their sentence. Originally, prisoners were released up to 18 days before the end of their sentence, and in March it …

Domestic abuse victims should not pay the price of prison overcrowding Read More »

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Peers defy government in landmark vote to secure safety for migrant victims

Protections for migrant victims of domestic abuse are one step closer to becoming law, following a landmark vote in the House of Lords today.  Peers voted 214 to 208 in favour of a firewall amendment, which would stop the police, social care, and other public services from reporting migrant victims to Immigration Enforcement.  Tabled by …

Peers defy government in landmark vote to secure safety for migrant victims Read More »

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Nearly Eighteen Thousand Domestic Abuse Crimes Missing from Statistics

17,600 fewer domestic abuse crimes have been recorded in statistics published today, after police were instructed to deliberately count fewer crimes.  In June 2023, the Home Office instructed the police to only count one crime for each time a victim comes forward and allowed police to stop counting crimes of threatening or abusive messages. These …

Nearly Eighteen Thousand Domestic Abuse Crimes Missing from Statistics Read More »

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Legislation needed to tackle police perpetrated abuse, says Commissioner

Part I of the Angiolini Inquiry, published last month, looked at the circumstances and failures that led to the abduction, rape and murder of Sarah Everard by a police officer in 2021. Today the government has announced that it has accepted all the government-led recommendations made by Part I of the inquiry. The government accepted recommendations …

Legislation needed to tackle police perpetrated abuse, says Commissioner Read More »

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Police abuse hotline is a start but forces must properly deal with complaints, says Commissioner

Today the Domestic Abuse Commissioner has responded to the announcement of a new national line to root out corruption and abuse within the police. The Domestic Abuse Commissioner, Nicole Jacobs, says: “There should be no place in the police force for perpetrators of domestic and sexual abuse. That victims will have somewhere independent to report …

Police abuse hotline is a start but forces must properly deal with complaints, says Commissioner Read More »