Commissioner warns early release scheme puts domestic abuse victims at risk

Today, an early prison release scheme comes into effect that will see some offenders released after serving 40% of their sentence.

The ‘SDS40’ scheme is a temporary measure, designed to ease the prison overcrowding crisis. But despite some exemptions for domestic abuse related crimes, the scheme doesn’t go far enough to protect victims from their abusers.

The Domestic Abuse Commissioner Nicole Jacobs says: “There is no justice in allowing perpetrators of domestic abuse to released early.

“I worry that it might not be possible for every victim to be notified of their abuser’s release and I fear they may be left blindsided, without the time to seek vital support and guidance.

“I have made it clear to Government that to safeguard victims, all offenders with a known history of domestic abuse must be exempt from this scheme.

“For many victims, their perpetrator’s imprisonment is a critical period of respite, where they can make plans for their safety and their future.

“Alarmingly, some domestic abuse services report that a shortage of prison places may be leading to more lenient, or fewer custodial sentences.

“That’s why I am calling on the Ministry of Justice to closely monitor sentencing and take swift action if it is needed.

“We must not forget that this early release scheme is only a temporary fix. The prison crisis is far from over, and the Government must deliver a permanent solution that keeps victims’ safety and justice at the front and centre.”