‘Stop Criminalising Survivors’ film launch

On the 5th December the Commissioner attended the ‘Stop Criminalising Survivors’ film launch, a joint event by Centre for Women’s Justice and Criminal, City, University of London Justice and Human Rights Centre. The film launch was then followed by an expert panel which included the Commissioner as well as:

  • Lu (survivor)
  • Megan (survivor)
  • Jane (survivor)
  • Ivory (survivor)
  • Fri (survivor)
  • Harriet Wistrich, Solicitor and Director of CWJ
  • Pragna Patel, Founder and former Director of Southall Black Sisters
  • Valerie Castell JP, Chair, Adult Court Committee, Magistrates’ Association
  • Graham Ritchie, Crown Prosecution Service
  • David Tucker, College of Policing
  • Tana Adkin KC, Chair, Criminal Bar Association

You can watch there 30 min film here: www.centreforwomensjustice.org.uk/stop-criminalising-survivors.