IFAS Conference: From Data to Action

On the 30th April the Commissioner attended Institute for Addressing Strangulation (IFAS) Conference: From Data to Action.

The conference was well attended by frontline professionals, organisations, and individuals passionate about addressing and preventing strangulation including, researchers, survivors, and advocates.

The Commissioner said, “It is critical that specialist services are prepared to identify the physical and psychological impacts of strangulation and suffocation, to support survivors – not only in recovering from the abuse, but in accessing healthcare and psychological support specific to their experiences of strangulation and suffocation.”

Other speakers included:

  • Professor Cath White OBE, Medical Director IFAS
  • ACC  NPCC Violence Against Women and Girls Strategic Programme Director
  • Dr Debby Herbenick, Director, Center for Sexual Health Promotion, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Rudi Coetzer – BrainKind